Elite Virtual Assistants

EVA Blog Article
Inbound Marketing Matters [InfoGraphic]
October 31, 2015

Updated: Nov 9, 2024

With all signs pointing to internet marketing, Inbound Marketing is a topic all business owners should be well-versed in!

What is Inbound Marketing? It attracts customers, not distracts them. It gives customers some relevant content they can actually use, and in turn, they will come back to you for your goods or services. It’s about interacting with your customers, prospects…anyone you want to keep your company visible to. However, the problem is finding the time and/or money in your budget to step up your marketing campaign and tailor it to today’s market.

The beauty of Inbound Marketing is that it’s pretty inexpensive. And,there are many avenues you can take with Email & Social Media Marketing that are very cost-effective. So, If you’re just starting out and looking to do it yourself, MailChimp has a great free email service, and HootSuite offers a free social media campaign platform.

Ok, so, why isn’t everyone doing it? Well, there’s the time factor. Coming up with great content to use for your emails, blogs and social media takes time. Sometimes a LOT of time! Therefor, many wonder if it’s really worth all the hype. Check out the infographic I put together below…the numbers don’t lie!

Whether you decide to take it on yourself or find someone to help, adding an Inbound Marketing strategy to your current efforts will be worth it.

Don’t expect results overnight…remember the saying, “slow and steady wins the race”? Well, with Inbound Marketing that’s the key! Keep up your campaign, supplying your customers and prospects with some great content, and you’ll see the results!

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