Thank you

Let’s Get you started!

Next Steps & Activation of your Mini Package

Congratulations on taking charge of your 2024 success and hiring a VA!

Thank you for choosing our {What mini package would you like to get started with?:29}!  We are thrilled to have you on board and are eager to dive into enhancing your business.

See your confirmation details below.

Before we begin on this collaborative journey, here are the important steps to ensure a smooth start:

  1. Your Virtual Assistant (VA) Pairing: Within the next 2-3 business days, our team will pair you with a VA based on the tasks specific to your package.
  2. Introduction: Once paired, you’ll be introduced to your VA via email. 
  3. Onboarding Call: Your VA will reach out to you via email after the initial introduction to schedule a 30-minute onboarding call on Zoom. They will also include an onboarding template with the information they’ll need to get started working with you. Please come to the onboarding call prepared.

**Our goal is to tailor our services closely to your needs, and having this information on hand will enable us to provide the most effective support from the get-go.

Your success and satisfaction are our top priorities. We are genuinely excited about the possibilities ahead and can’t wait to see the positive impact our collaboration will bring. If you have any questions or need clarification on any aspect, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

EVA: Empowering your business success, one package at a time!

Your Mini Package Confirmation

Mini Package: {What mini package would you like to get started with?:29}

Name: {Name (First):1.3} {Name (Last):1.6}
Title: {Title:12}
Company: {Company Name:8}
Email: {Email:3}
Phone: {Phone:4}
Website: {Website:7}
Best Way to Contact: {Best Way to Contact You:13}
Industry: {Industry:14}

{Address (Street Address):28.1} {Address (Address Line 2):28.2}
{Address (City):28.3}, {Address (State / Province):28.4} {Address (ZIP / Postal Code):28.5}
Using Card:
{Credit Card (Card Type):25.4}
*You will also receive a confirmation from Stripe with your purchase details.

Additional Notes:
{Any additional information to add?:22}

Review our Terms and Conditions
