8 Tips To Create A Positive Atmosphere

Let’s face it!!! When Monday comes, all we really think about is how quickly the week will pass by so we can start the weekend again. It doesn’t have to be this way and we have the choice to make a change in how we look at the way we start our week and find new ways...

How To Be A Delegating Machine

Typically when Lisa Crilley Mallis works with business owners on delegating effectively, one of the top problems is getting them to realize it’s ok to let go! They believe they are the only ones who can do the job . . . and it’s difficult for them to give up control....

Lisa Crilley Mallis: Impactive Strategies

I’m so excited to write EVA’s Spotlight this month featuring Lisa Crilley Mallis. Not only is Lisa a fellow NAWBO member and leader, her business…Impactive Strategies, works with focused, successful business owners who are overcommitted and still want to achieve more...

13 Habits to Break to Increase Productivity

Do you find yourself falling behind in your work even though you’re putting in long days and time on the weekends? Working smarter, not harder means making the most of the time you have and making that time as useful as possible to increase productivity. Hitting The...

Use Your Time Wisely & Be More Productive

It’s easy to get caught up in the circus of our daily lives and end up doing things on auto-pilot. How many times have you traveled your regular route to work, and inadvertently drove that way when you needed to be somewhere else? Although we all have those moments,...