Step-By-Step Guide: Hiring a Virtual Assistant by Laura Licursi As a virtual assistant agency, we are always recruiting talent to add to our team. The process of hiring a virtual assistant is being continually improved and tweaked as we grow. Our virtual assistants...
There are still people and companies that don’t embrace the concept of a remote or virtual worker. I probably get 2-3 calls each month for a part-time, in-person position. But when we get down to the bare bones of the work that’s needed they typically don’t need an...
Delegation: the competitive advantages by Laura Licursi Whether tackling daily operations or planning long-term strategy, small businesses face endless obstacles on their path to success. So how can you get a competitive advantage? One word…delegation. Delegate is...
One of the struggles many business owners face when trying to decide on hiring a Virtual Assistant vs. an in-house assistant may be a misunderstanding of how the virtual relationship works. Many people feel a sense of security in having an assistant they can see every...
We’ve all been there…you have a deadline to meet and end up with constant interruptions throughout the day: Sally’s dog died. You’ve been summoned to 3 conference calls that were mandatory for your 5 minutes of input. Joe wants to grab lunch. Sue needs help...