Elite Virtual Assistants

EVA Blog Article
The Secret of Highly Productive People
March 22, 2016

Updated: Nov 9, 2024

The secret of highly productive people can be summed up in one word: delegation. As hard as it can be to let go of the work you’ve always done yourself, it’s the best way to give your business the boost it needs to get to the next level. It’s easy to get burned out during the first couple of years of any new business or startup. You are not only the decision maker, sales department, and marketing team but also an administrative assistant.

In order to be successful, you need to focus on what matters most and decide what tasks you can delegate to someone else. Doing this will increase your productivity and save you time and money in the end and offer you an affordable way to hire an experienced right hand. A virtual assistant is an important investment in a company’s growth.

What a virtual assistant can do for you

When your company is in the startup phase, time is something you can’t seem to get enough of. You’re busy finding clients, organizing your schedule, and managing your social media and email campaigns. Often these tasks run over to evening and weekend hours, and there seems to be no end.

The key to delegating is knowing when to start and what to let go of. You need to hire a VA before you find yourself buried, but not so soon that you don’t know what you need them to do. You need to be comfortable with the tasks that you hand over initially. For some people, this is easy; for others, it requires some time. Once you have started to build trust in your relationship with your virtual assistant, you can start turning over bigger assignments.

What you can expect

Virtual assistants are not just for personal tasks or calendar & email management. VAs are becoming a staple for entrepreneurs and startups to help get their businesses off the ground and keep the workflow organized. Once you get comfortable and into a routine with your virtual assistant, you can expect the following:

  1. Increased productivity
  2. An organized workflow
  3. A work-life balance

When you’re not ready for a full-time employee but you are ready to start delegating some of your workloads, it’s time to hire a virtual assistant to help YOU become a highly productive person!

3 Critical Steps to Take Before Hiring a Virtual Assistant

Don’t Waste Anymore of your Time!

We have a simple process; learn what you need to get you started with a VA!

Download our handy Action Guide that will walk you through the 3 Critical Steps To Take Before Hiring A Virtual Assistant.  When the time is right, you’ll be prepared!
