Happy Halloween from EVA by Megan Murphy
“Happy Halloween!” pops up on your screen.
It’s unsettling to you. You’ve been so deeply focused on your to-do list that the plastic pumpkins and glow-in-the-dark skeletons dotting your neighborhood have become part of a distant future where you no longer exist.
Feeling overwhelmed by the adjustment to your reality, your eyes scan your home office window to see that people are putting out their jack-o-lanterns and bowls of candy.
“Happy Halloween to you, too,” you type, your fingers moving at a glacial pace compared to your own thoughts.
Eyes darting to the clock in the corner of your computer, you see the numbers that once meant freedom to you. Five-Oh-Oh. People are just getting out of work. Your teammates are disappearing from the “active” list in your workspace, and soon, you are all alone with your responsibilities.
In addition to working your normal “9-5,” you’ve taken on a “5-9” and, some nights, the graveyard shift too.
“But not tonight!” you say to yourself. You have plans to watch a scary movie with your best friend, Amy, and her roommate. Tonight, no matter what, you will be leaving your office at 6. Just one more hour. You can get it all done. Then you’ll relax and have fun with your friends.
At 6:10, Amy texts you. “Are you on your way? The pizza just got here!”
It’s a nice thought. Hot pizza, freshly poured wine, and your favorite scary movie ready to hit play. You’ll tell them it’s just another ten minutes once you finish this quick task.
Suddenly it’s 7 pm, and you haven’t even replied to the text Amy sent! Before you get a chance to, another text rolls in. “We’re gonna start the movie.”
The feelings of guilt start to pool in your guts, but this time, you mean it. One more email, and you can be fashionably late. You’ve seen the movie before. It’s okay if you miss the first few scenes.
A little after 8 pm, your eyes wander to the clock in the corner of your screen. Those dreaded numbers sink in, and you realize it’s been two hours since you’ve looked up from the screen.
You might as well finish that client piece you’re working on, and then you can finally get to Amy and see if she’s up for a second movie.
At 10 pm, your phone rings.
“I know what you did last Halloween,” the creepy, deep voice on the line says.
Spooked, you ask, “What do you mean?” pulling the phone from your ear to look around and make sure the windows are shut.
“The same thing you did this Halloween. Blew us off to work.” Amy sighs. You can hear movie credits playing in the background.
“I’m sorry! I just got caught up. Is there any pizza left?” You ask, but you know it’s not even worth asking. You’ve missed out on another night of fun with friends because of the amount of work you’re juggling.
“Forget the pizza. What you need is an assistant!” Amy says.
“I wish. I can’t afford to pay anyone else. Anyway, where would they work? My kitchen?”
Amy laughs. “No, silly. A Virtual Assistant! They take care of all those tasks you can’t get to during the day and keep everything in order for you remotely. Plus, they’re much more affordable than in-person staff.”
“Where would I even find someone like that?” You wonder, the thought of no more nights stuck in your office lighting up your mind.
“I went with Elite Virtual Assistants. I hired a VA three months ago, and I swear I’ll never go back!” Amy exclaims.
If you don’t want to be stuck in the office on Halloween (or any holiday or evening), be like Amy and schedule a call with us TODAY.