7 Questions To Ask When Hiring Help

Whether you’re a start-up, entrepreneur, or small business owner, budgets are a big deal. Many times instead of hiring the “right” help, we take the offers of hiring friends and family to “help” us out. Although intentions are good on both ends, this situation often...

Your Business Needs A Virtual Assistant!

I’ve found a few things to be true over the years; if I really want something, I find a way to get it. When I come up with an excuse on why I can’t do something, it’s just that…an excuse. Instead of saying, “I can’t afford a virtual assistant,” you need to change your...

Hiring? 6 Common Mistakes about VAs

If you’re like me, then you have too many ideas and not enough time to implement them. The easiest way to remedy that is to hire a Virtual Assistant that you can hand everything over to and they’ll take care of it, right? Well, the answer to that is yes AND no....

Freelance vs. Agency: 6 Benefits A Virtual Assistant Agency Provides

One of the big questions that come to mind when trying to decide on hiring virtual assistance of any kind is whether to hire a freelance VA or utilize an agency. There are pros and cons to both, depending on what you’re looking for, how much time you have to invest in...