Elite Virtual Assistants

EVA Blog Article
5 Signs You Should Invest In A Virtual Assistant
January 26, 2016

Updated: Nov 9, 2024

Looing for the best way to invest this season? A VA can be the investment you need.

And as VA’s are starting to become a staple for many professionals and small business owners, there are still those unfamiliar with what a virtual assistant can do, and how they help boost productivity.  Many clients I speak with come to me knowing they need help but still aren’t quite sure how a virtual assistant can work for them. Here are ways your VA can make it worth your while to invest. 

If you’re not sure what type of help you need, below are some tell-tale signs that need to invest in a virtual assistant is in your future:

Lack of timely follow-up. Are you good at attracting your clients or customers, but lack the proper follow up? This task takes time but is a crucial part of any business. Whether you’re looking to keep current clients informed through follow-up calls, newsletters, or a monthly email check-up, or wanting to get back in touch with those that fell off the radar; this is a task that can’t afford to be overlooked.

Missing appointments or special occasions. Even with reminders that pop up throughout the day for your lunch appointment or a client’s birthday dinner, when we get busy we become forgetful. Having a weekly Skype meeting or conference call with your virtual assistant to go over the week’s activities helps to put your schedule in order. Assisting with gift purchases; whether for a client or family member, is another task that can be handled easily for your virtual assistant.

Not responding to emails or voicemails in a timely manner. Are you hearing…”I sent you an email or voicemail and haven’t heard back”? If you find your inbox is never-ending and you’re dropping the ball on that important message that was buried, it’s probably time to hire someone to help sort through the clutter.

Research is taking a back seat. Whether you’re researching facts and figures or looking for your competitor’s secret weapon, research is a key factor in every facet of business from reporting to presentations, and one that can’t afford to take a back seat.

Spending too much time on a daunting task. If you’re spending as much time looking for pictures or coming up with a catchy title for your blog as you are writing it, this is time that could be used more effectively. Many hours can be lost searching for the right photo, caption, or what to post next on your social media outlets. This is a great task to give your virtual assistant.

It doesn’t matter what industry you’re in, or if you need help with your business or to lighten the load with personal errands, we all get to the point where there aren’t enough hours in the day and we are struggling with tasks that we shouldn’t be. Whether you’re in need of an on-call right hand or someone to help plan and implement your schedule, take a few minutes to see what tasks can be taken off your plate and boost your productivity. Your bottom line will thank you in the end.

3 Critical Steps to Take Before Hiring a Virtual Assistant

Don’t Waste Anymore of your Time!

We have a simple process; learn what you need to get you started with a VA!

Download our handy Action Guide that will walk you through the 3 Critical Steps To Take Before Hiring A Virtual Assistant.  When the time is right, you’ll be prepared!
