October isn’t just a month filled with falling leaves, pumpkin spice, and spooky vibes; it’s also National Work and Family Month. This is a time when businesses across the United States are encouraged to place a spotlight on creating healthy, flexible work...
VA: Your Best Investment by Megan Murphy Recently we’ve had many clients come to us with concerns that they aren’t utilizing their VA to their full potential. Their concerns sparked us to create a 3-step guide with the three most CRUCIAL steps on how to build the best...
Can Work From Home save the world? by Megan Murphy In 2019, we talked about how virtual workers can out-perform traditional office workers. This blog mainly discussed how virtual workers were: Better communicators More productive And more consistent in their work But...
Staying Mentally Healthy: The Art of Balance by Megan Murphy This May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and I thought it would be best to discuss ways to make your work-life balance more harmonious, ensure your spiritual needs are met, and prioritize your peace (even...
Taxes: Do Yours Need Tidying? by Megan Murphy Ah, the spring…fresh flowers, warmer temperatures, picnics, and taxes. Unfortunately, spring cleaning doesn’t stop at your closet. Especially when 12 million people in the US have income tax extensions, according to...
Courageous Conversations by Laura Licursi Courageous conversations. These aren’t easy for most of us, but they’re essential if you’re going to thrive in today’s world. If you can’t or won’t stand up for yourself, or your beliefs, who will? If you’re unhappy or unclear...