Elite Virtual Assistants

EVA Blog Article
Virtual Assistant: 8 Tips for Success
October 31, 2018

Updated: Dec 28, 2022

You’ve decided to work with a virtual assistant…yeah! You’ve decided to start with a few small projects to get going, but aren’t really sure how to make the most of your VA and how the relationship is going to work. Sound familiar? Below are 8 areas to focus on to make sure you have an efficient and effective process to maximize your virtual assistant’s time.

  • Communication…Communication…Communication
    • The biggest key factor in a virtual relationship is communication. It’s better to over-communicate than under-communicate. Keeping in touch through text, phone, email or reporting is the number one way to build and keep confidence for both the virtual assistant and the client. It’s important to let your VA know how you like to be communicated with and how often from the very start.  Would you rather have a text or email sent, have your VA update reporting through a document or time tracking software, or a separate communication channel? Your VA is human and needs direction and support, and you both need to agree on what form of communication will work best for you.
  • Set Expectations From The Start
    • Let your virtual assistant know your business goals and what you hope to accomplish so they can focus on the same goals through each project.
    • Ask yourself these questions so you can have your VA working with you on your goals from the very start:
      • What do you expect or need your VA to take off your plate weekly?
      • How many hours would you like your VA to work with you? (Keep in mind each task may take longer than you thought initially to get up and running, and familiar with you and your work style.)
  • Meet With Your VA Once A Week
    • Pick a time that you can meet with your VA once a week over the phone or via video to check on the weekly goals and projects-this helps keep you both accountable.
  • Recaps  
    • If your VA is not sending you recaps after each meeting, be sure to ask them to start doing it.  This makes a big difference in helping both of you stay organized and on the same page.
  • Utilize Processes & Tools  
    • Create processes for the tasks you would like to delegate and give them to your VA in step-by-step instructions or an SOP. If you don’t already have processes in place, have your virtual assistant document the work they’re doing as they go so you have these processes in place for future use.
  • Support Your Virtual Assistant
    • Ask questions and understand what your virtual assistant’s goals are. Understanding their strengths, weaknesses, and goals is important so you can optimize those for your business.
    • Ask your VA if the work they’re doing is inspiring and stimulating to them. Not every aspect of their job will be (entering expenses is only so thrilling!), but understanding their zone of genius will not only inspire them to offer assistance where you may not have thought before but will keep them intrigued and engaged throughout your relationship. 
  • Respect Your Virtual Assistant
    • Most VA’s will have other clients, so being respectful of that is important. Unless you are paying them to be on-call or for a 40-hour workweek, it’s important to understand that in order to be an effective and efficient virtual assistant, they need to time-block when working with clients, and your emergency doesn’t constitute an emergency for them. Most will work hard to meet your demands, but don’t make this area overwhelming for them.


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3 Critical Steps to Take Before Hiring a Virtual Assistant

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