The Art of Delegating (Part 3)

Clear Communication = Delegating Success You know delegating is essential to growing your business, and that setting up processes can help make delegating even easier. Project management tools are also an important piece for delegating success when combined with...

How To Master The Art of Delegating (Part I)

Delegating –  is it art? Or a science? Okay, so delegating isn’t necessarily an “ART”, but it is a necessity to grow your business and your bottom line.    The definition of the word delegate is: “Entrust (a task or responsibility) to another person,...

7 Tips for Leading Your Virtual Team

Are you guilty of playing the Blame Game with your virtual team? Unfortunately, many of us are, and may not be aware of it. It’s an ugly game that no one wins.  Although it can happen in any type of work-related situation, it tends to be even easier to lay blame when...

24 Tasks to Delegate Now!

Working with a Virtual Assistant can be a rewarding experience. Typically one of the biggest challenges, when people are starting out, is deciding what tasks to delegate. Everyone needs help in different ways; but whether you’re the CEO of a company, or an...