Video Killed the Blog Star

In the 80s, with the rise of MTV and music videos, artists could no longer hide behind the shadow of a metal sound grate. Terrestrial radio began to die swiftly when you no longer relied on hearing what was happening with your favorite band and instead could see them...

10 Holiday Cyber Security Tips

10 Holiday Cyber Security Tips by EVA the Elf (with help from Megan Murphy!) Hi, I’m EVA the Elf, and I know you’ve seen me lurking around your gifts and tree. But I’m here to talk about something more important: cyber security. The holiday season...

Analytics Tools for Engagement

Analytics Tools for Engagement By Megan Murphy Do you ever feel like your online presence is going unnoticed? Are there times your work gets plenty of engagement but then your next post gets nothing? Staying consistent is the goal of any small business or brand and...

How a VA can help network on Linked In!

In a previous blog post, I mentioned LinkedIn had 300 million users.  As of last month, it now has 530 million users and is the world’s largest professional networking website!  Without a doubt, it has become a worthwhile part of any small business owner’s online...

Grow Your Network on Twitter

In order to grow your business, you need to grow your network. And spending time growing your network is just that…a lot of time. Have you thought about hiring someone to help you with your networking efforts? Networking is essential in fostering relationships that...