The Secret of Highly Productive People

The secret of highly productive people can be summed up in one word: delegation. As hard as it can be to let go of the work you’ve always done yourself, it’s the best way to give your business the boost it needs to get to the next level. It’s easy to get burned out...

5 Signs You Should Invest In A Virtual Assistant

Looing for the best way to invest this season? A VA can be the investment you need. And as VA’s are starting to become a staple for many professionals and small business owners, there are still those unfamiliar with what a virtual assistant can do, and how they help...

Two Great Companies Come Together!

Great News! I’m excited to announce that Elite Scheduling Services, LLC & Elite Virtual Assistants have joined in partnership to bring together the best virtual  & scheduling assistants you’ll find anywhere! I have worked with Danae Branson for over 10 years....

VA Tips for Newcomers

Here’s our VA Tip: Virtual Assistant….is a very loose term. VA’s are Administrative Assistants, Marketing Coordinators, Event Planners, Email Campaign Creators, Social Media Strategists, Client Relations Specialists…the list goes on. Almost everything can be...