The Benefits of Working with a Temporary VA

The Benefits of Working with a Temporary VA by Megan Murphy Talking to other business owners, we tend to hear similar issues regardless of industry or company size. They need help but they can’t afford to hire someone full-time. They get busy in some months (or...

Summertime Blues? Fix Them with a VA!

Summertime Blues? Fix it with a VA! by Megan Murphy June has a lot of unique holidays that reminded me of how much (and often!) we sacrifice in the name of “getting things done”.  June 17th is “Take your lunch break” day and frankly, we shouldn’t have to remind...

Temporary Workers: Your Solution to Summer!

Are summer vacations plaguing your office? Do you need help during the summer months to keep yourself above water? A temporary VA could be the answer. Summer is almost officially upon us. The days are longer, school’s out, pool’s open…vacations are starting! It’s the...